LinkedIn Company Pages Available via App–FINALLY!

Picture of LinkedIn Company Page and Phone App Together

The master of professional social networking were on the right track for so long. LinkedIn differentiated itself from Facebook, Instagram, Google +, Twitter, etc. by focusing on professional development, sharing expertise, headhunting, and hiring through a carefully crafted resume-style profile page that allowed media-rich portfolios. Around 2010, LinkedIn release Company Pages for entrepreneurs to highlight …

You Could Do Everything Right and STILL Have Campaign Issues

Picture of Marketing Word Cloud

It’s an ugly truth no marketer wants to admit… On paper we have developed the perfect campaign, aimed at the perfect target market, using media and messages they can relate to.  We could execute it with high response rates and significant shares, yet for whatever reason, our objectives are never met. This reality hit a …

Planning for Startup Weekend Fairbanks Begins!

Picture from the First Meeting for Startup Weekend 2019

What business would you build in 54 hours? Alaska is a big place where people have big ideas. But until you can talk about it, and test drive your idea to learn if customers actually want it, the odds are against it becoming a success. Where do you start? Startup Weekend Fairbanks is a great place to …

Latest Podcast from Owner Rachael Kvapil

Picture of So Stereotypical Podcast Logo

So Stereotypical–S2E2 In this episode of So Stereotypical, host Rachael Kvapil talks with Laughter and Leadership Specialist Michael Bork of Laughtership, LLC about the power of positive psychology, in addition to looking at the big winners in the 2018 Valentine’s gift giving spree.  The answer may surprise you.  

Latest Podcast from Owner Rachael Kvapil

So Stereotypical- S2E1 In this episode of So Stereotypical, Kelsey Enochs of Golden Heart Massage and Pretty Lippy joins host Rachael Kvapil to discuss  marketing two different types of businesses in addition to plans to get out of her “comfort zone” for 2018; plus, a few fun facts about New Year’s Resolutions and an insight into how the production team of …

Mimetic Marketing: Why Your Joke Always Fall Flat

As a marketer, sometimes it can seem like all you do is chase after the most recent trend, which is why social media marketing has become such a necessary component of good marketing campaigns. The real question then becomes: What’s the new trend? Answer: It’s memes, fam. Now don’t worry, I will explain this term …

Birthday Parties and Marketing Have More In Common Than You Think

In less than a month I (Rachael) turn 42. It isn’t a “milestone” birthday though a lot of really cool stuff happened this year. So why this sudden desire to have a birthday party? I shied away from birthday parties after the age of 10 when my diverse social circles inevitably created a level of …